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New Orders Container

CMA CGM has signed LoIs with the two Chinese shipyards CSSC and SWS on the[ds_preview] construction of up to nine ULCV. The vessels are reportedly designated to have a capacity of about 22,000TEU. Scheduled delivery would be in 2019 and 2020. Depending on the chosen propulsion system the vessels are said to cost between 140 and 160mill. $. In the smaller segments Singapore-based Eastern Paci­fic has placed an order for two ships at Zhejiang Ouhua. The 2,700TEU vessels are hawked around to cost 29.5mill $ each.

Secondhand Sales Container

The market for further trading container vessels remained active in July and August with various transactions to be observed. It was noticeable that the ratio of vended former panamax vessels was particularly high. While price level is still low, a firming tendency was recently perceivable in many segments.

Demolition Sales

The world market price of iron ore has stopped its increase in the second week of August. However, so far it has remained more or less stable around 74 $/t.

Scrap prices have dwelled above 400 $/ldt at the Indian sub-continent and above 300 $ in Turkey. Despite the relative firm scrap prices, recycling activity was lower in this reporting period than it had been in the previous one.
Andreas Mietzner